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At Ringley Park Dental Practice we offer a wide range of treatments for the whole family, from preventive care for children to restorative treatments for our older patients. We also offer cosmetic dental and facial treatments to help you look better than ever.


What is tooth decay?
Bacteria in plaque breaks down the food you eat (particularly sugar) and converts it into acids. These acids can dissolve the enamel on your teeth. Saliva contains minerals that neutralise these acids and lubricants that help to remove food debris from your teeth. Tooth decay occurs when your saliva can’t handle the number of acid attacks. So by eating less often, avoiding sugary foods and using fluoride toothpastes and mouthwashes, you can help to protect your teeth.

What can I do to prevent decay?
Try following these tips:

  • Brush your teeth twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste.
  • Use a fluoride mouthwash (but not directly after brushing).
  • Floss your teeth regularly.
  • Chew sugar-free gum to stimulate saliva production.
  • Avoid eating between meals.
  • Cut down on foods containing sugar.

Why is oral hygiene so important?
Regular visits to the hygienist are vital to maintain good oral health and are an important supplement to regular check-ups. Having made an assessment of your condition, the hygienist will recommend treatment and an appropriate recall interval.

Can I do anything to prevent oral hygiene problems occurring?
Maintaining a rigorous cleaning programme at home is vital if you want to minimise hygiene appointments. Our hygienist will give you advice and tips not only about how to clean your teeth, but also about diet and general lifestyle.


When should my child first see the dentist?
Children should visit the dentist as soon as their first milk teeth appear. This helps them to become familiar with the surroundings and reduces the chances of fear developing in later childhood.

When should children first brush their teeth?
Brushing should start as soon as their first milk teeth appear, you should either brush children’s teeth for them or supervise them until they are around the age of 7 or 8.

How long should children brush their teeth?
Children should be encouraged to brush their teeth at least every morning and evening for two minutes. You should ensure that the child spits out excess toothpaste but does not rinse with too much water as this washes away the fluoride in the toothpaste.


What is endodontics?
Endodontics, more commonly known as root canal therapy, is the treatment of a diseased or injured dental pulp and its supporting tissues.

Why do I need root canal treatment?
You may be suffering from dental decay or your tooth may be fractured. In either case, the pulp of the tooth has been exposed to bacteria, which over time has led to infection. In this case the infected root needs to be removed.

How many appointments will I need?
Every case is different and, depending on the complexity, you may need more than two appointments, which is the norm. At the first appointment we will assess your condition and ensure there is sufficient tooth available to make treatment viable. During this first appointment, the pulp is usually removed and any abscesses are drained, giving you immediate relief from pain. We will clearly outline your treatment following this initial assessment of your case.

Is treatment painful?
Under normal circumstances, root canal treatment is not painful. A local anaesthetic is given to numb the area and, following this, you should experience no more pain than with a normal filling.


What causes gum disease?
Gum disease is caused by a build-up of plaque, which forms every day on the surface of your teeth and gums. If plaque is not removed it builds up over time and forms what is known as tartar. At this stage, brushing at home is not sufficient and, if left, the tarter will cause gum irritation and may lead to bleeding.

How can I prevent gum disease?
Daily brushing and flossing will help to prevent the build-up of plaque and tartar, but regular visits to the hygienist are essential so that any tartar that remains can be removed before it causes any damage.

What are the dangers of leaving gum disease untreated?
The consequences of not treating gum disease are serious. If the symptoms of swollen and bleeding gums are ignored, the gums can start to erode and the teeth will lose support and possibly fall out. This is known as periodontitis, a disease which can be controlled but not cured.


What is orthodontics?
Orthodontics is a treatment that is used to correct the position of teeth. Sometimes teeth do not develop in a normal way and may be misaligned or crooked, the medical term for this is malocclusion.

Which treatments do you offer?
We can provide a range of orthodontic appliances, from conventional metal braces, through a range of aesthetic options to the almost invisible Invisalign® aligners, all of which gently move misaligned teeth back to their desired position.

Am I suitable for orthodontic treatment?
Orthodontic treatment is not appropriate for everyone, which is why we assess each patient at an initial consultation to see if they are suitable and which type of treatment will be mst effective.


What are dental implants?
Dental implants are used as a replacement for a natural tooth root. The implant itself is a very small but strong post made of biocompatible material, which is surgically inserted into the jaw bone.

Are implants safe?
Dental implants are a safe, well-established treatment, supported by over 30 years of clinical evidence.

How long do implants last?
Once the dental implant has integrated with the bone and surrounding soft tissue, its life will be largely determined by the quality of at-home care and attendance at regular clinical reviews. If poorly cared for, plaque can build up, just as with natural teeth and this can lead to gum infection, bleeding and general discomfort. However, well-maintained implants can be expected to last many years and often a whole lifetime.

Am I too old for implant treatment?
There is no upper age for dental implants and they are also successfully used as an anchor for dentures. Your suitability will depend on the quality of the bone in your jaw and the dentist’s assessment of your individual case.


What’s involved?
First you’ll come in and have an impression taken so we can create bespoke trays that will fit snugly and comfortably over your teeth. Then we’ll provide you with whitening gel and instructions on how to apply the gel and how often. You’ll do this at home over a period of two weeks, then come back in for a follow-up appointment.

What results can I expect?
This very much depends on what shade your teeth are to begin with. We recommend having a through professional cleaning before starting a whitening treatment, in order to get the best results. If you follow instructions, you will see visibly whiter teeth.

Will my crowns be whitened too?
No, whitening gel is not effective on artificial surfaces such as ceramic crowns or porcelain veneers. Only natural teeth will be whitened. For this reason we recommend whitening before having a restoration, so the crown or veneer can be colour matched to your newly-whitened teeth.

How long will it last?
The whitening won’t fade as such, but your teeth will eventually become stained again, just as they did before being whitened. You can minimise this by stopping smoking and avoiding food and drinks that stains, such as tea, coffee and red wine and coming for regular visits to the dental hygienist.

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