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IAOMT SMART Amalgam Removal

IAOMT SMART Amalgam Removal Techniques (International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology).

  • We prevent mercury inhalation by providing you with a nasal mask.
  • You are protected with drapes under the dental bib to cover your clothing. Your face is draped with a liner.
  • Your eyes are protected by goggles and your hair by a cap.
  • To ensure no mercury is swallowed a rubber dam barrier is placed around the tooth and a sealer is used to seal around the edges of the rubber dam.
  • The filling is carefully removed (“cut into chunks”) to minimise mercury ‘dust’.
  • Powerful high volume suction is used and continual addition of water spray is supplied to the site where the amalgam is being removed.
  • A very powerful air filter (IQ air dental-vax) is placed close to your mouth which removes mercury vapour and also keeps the air in the surgery clean throughout the process.
  • The dentist and nurse also protect themselves with a filtered mask, eye and face shields.

We can work alongside your nutritionist, naturopath or medical doctor during the procedures.

amalgam removal - before
amalgam removal - after

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