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As the cold autumn and winter months appear to be finally on their way out, now is the perfect time to invest in your summer smile. Here at Ringley Park we offer a variety of whitening options to suit your every need.

Teeth whitening has become a huge trend in recent years – popular with young people from the Kardashians to the cast of Love Island – and you can give yourself your very own Hollywood smile with our whitening treatments.

Or you may have noticed that some staining has appeared, something that naturally occurs over years of eating and drinking things like coffee and red wine. A course of teeth whitening can lighten your teeth once more and restore them to their natural, healthier shade.

Convenient at-home whitening
Our Prescription Home Whitening Service allows you to lighten your teeth by up to four shades in the comfort of your own home. With two visits the practice to have impressions taken and a further one to fit the trays this is a highly accurate and safe way to whiten your teeth at home.

Once we have the impressions, we can create your bespoke whitening kit which you will need to wear for a certain amount of time each day to get the best results. It’s much safer than buying a home kit online – which can contain a dangerous amount of whitening agent – and just as easy.

Looking for faster results?

We also offer Enlighten Evolution treatment at Ringley Park, which is the only system that guarantees whitening to 8 shades whiter, for truly transformative whitening in 95% of cases.


  • The first visit is where we take impressions of your teeth to create trays which are then custom fitted to your teeth. In between visits you will be given Enlighten’s Desensitising Tooth Serum to use at home, which helps to protect your teeth and minimise sensitivity.
  • In your second visit we will fit the trays and apply desensitising agent and then you’ll be ready to take them home for use overnight.
  • After two weeks if your teeth have reached the desired shade we will carry out the final part of the treatment right there in the chair! If not, a further two weeks of use may be prescribed.

When your Enlighten treatment is complete, you’ll be given a tube of Enlighten’s Evo-White toothpaste to use at home to maintain the results. Top up use one night every ten weeks is recommended to maintain the results.

It’s always worth remembering that whitening can only be legally carried out by a GDC-registered dentist who will be able to assess any risks before you begin treatment. It also means that you can be prescribed more powerful products than you might get over the counter leading to longer lasting and more satisfactory results, especially if you follow your dentist’s instructions to the letter!

For more information, including pricing for our whitening treatments, head over to the whitening page on our website. Or call us on 01737 240123.