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Tooth loss can be extremely traumatic, especially as smiles are so often an important part of our identities and self-esteem. But that’s not all, because as well as impacting your confidence, tooth loss can also make simple tasks such as eating and drinking difficult and unpleasant.

Dental implants offer a long-lasting and durable solution to the problem of tooth loss, with modern technology allowing us to create implants with a seamless and natural look. Here, we explore the ways dental implants can give you a replacement tooth that looks and feels completely natural so you can regain your smile.

Implants vs dentures
Implants have a small titanium screw which acts as a tooth root. During the procedure, this is fixed into the jaw. Over time, the jawbone grows around the implant giving your tooth a stable and secure setting.

This results in a natural feel, but this also allows you to regain your dental structure which is often thrown out of joint when you lose a tooth. Essentially, the gap a missing tooth forms can move your other teeth off balance, adding to your discomfort. With a dental implant, you regain that comfort, allowing you to live as normal.

Fitting an implant
The process of getting an implant fitted at Ringley Park is very simple. We begin with a consultation and examination to determine your treatment path. This will usually involve taking impressions, so we make sure we get the most accurate results.

After this, fitting the implant normally only requires a single surgical procedure in one appointment, under local anaesthetic. At Ringley Park, we also offer a combination of local anaesthetic and intravenous conscious sedation which is always given under the supervision of an anaesthetist.

In more complex cases, we may need to build up the gums and bone surrounding the implant which can take more than one appointment. This ensures that the replacement tooth is well supported.

Your perfect smile
A real benefit of implants is how natural they look and feel, with many patients reporting that they forget that the tooth is even a replacement. Often, it gives you a chance to further perfect your smile if you choose to.

Many patients choose to whiten their teeth before getting an implant. It’s worth noting that it’s important to do it that way around to guarantee a pearly white smile, as we match the shade of the crown to the rest of your teeth and implants themselves can’t be whitened.

If tooth loss is concerning you, it’s best to get it sorted as soon as possible. Our experienced team at Ringley Park are here to help.

One of the best ways to keep on top of your oral health is to visit your dentist and hygienist regularly. Why not book an appointment today? Call us on 01737 240123.